Wednesday, February 22, 2012



Hiking is a terrific way to keep your body and mind in top shape, both now and for a lifetime.  Walking packs power into your legs and makes your heart and lungs healthy and strong.  Exploring the outdoors challenges you with discoveries and new ideas.  Your senses will improve as you use your eyes and ears to gather information along the way.
Hikes can become more meaningful to Cub Scouts if they hike with a specific purpose in mind.  Following are a few suggestions for memorable hikes.  Remind boys that they are observing nature - not disturbing it; for instance, if they touch a baby animal or its home, the parents may abandon it.
Home Hike  - Look for homes of different insects and animals, such as spider webs, nests, holes, and cocoons.
Tracks or Signs - Look for any signs that animals have been in the area.
Baby Hike - Gather or list all babies seen (birds, ferns, leaves, snails, etc.)
String Hike - Follow a string along the trail.  Scattered along the way are objects to identify.
Mud Puddle Hike - As long as boys have proper rain gear if needed, go ahead and hike in wet weather.  Note how animals and insects take cover.
Color Hike - List all objects of a selected color - who can find the most?
Snoop Hike - Explore, be aware, notice unusual things, be snoopy.  Look for both natural and manmade things.  Pick up litter.
Craft Hike - Hike to gather specific nature items to use in crafts projects.
Listening Hike - Hike quietly and listen for the sounds of nature - wind, rustling leaves, birds, crickets, etc.

Academics and Sports Program
The Academics and Sports program gives Cub Scouts extra recognition activities to earn. In Academics subjects and Sports, Cub Scouts learn new skills, become better scholars, learn sportsmanship, and have fun. You can get to know a sport or an academic subject that's new to you --maybe astronomy, chess, computers, science; golf, hiking, tennis, or skateboarding to name a few in the program.
Belt loops and pins are a great way to help fulfill the aims of Scouting—build character, develop citizenship, and encourage mental and physical fitness.  Through a variety of subjects, you can stretch your mind and abilities by exploring the wonders of science, learning about the world, and expanding skills in new areas.
This is a chance to try something new, do your best, and earn recognition all at the same time.

Hiking Belt Loop and Pin

Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and Webelos Scouts may complete requirements in a family, den, pack, school, or community environment. Tiger Cubs must work with their parents or adult partners. Parents and partners do not earn loops or pins.

Belt Loop

Complete these three requirements:
  1. Explain the hiking safety rules to your den leader or adult partner. Practice these rules while on a hike.
    • Hiking Safety
    • Always tell someone where you are going and when you will return.
    • Never hike alone or at night; use the buddy system.
    • Dress properly for the weather and environment.
    • Wear sun and insect protection
    • Take an extra pair of socks in case you need to change.
    • Obey traffic signs and signals.
    • Avoid hiking along roadways.
    • Stay on the trail.
    • Be alert to your surroundings.
    • Don't litter as you hike.
    • Be alert to dangerous animals, insects, and plants. Never touch a wild animal.
    • Take 1 pint of water for each hour you will be hiking. Never drink untreated water.
    • Understand how "The Sweet Sixteen of BSA Safety" would apply to the hiking situation.
  1. Demonstrate proper hiking attire and equipment.
  2. Hike at least 30 minutes with your adult partner, family, or den.
Sports Pin

Earn the Hiking belt loop and complete five of the following requirements:
1.    Make a chart and record at least five hours of hiking.
2.    Help plan a den, pack, or family hike.
3.    Earn Cub Scouting’s Leave No Trace Awareness Award.
4.    Earn the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award.
5.    Learn seven trail signs and tell your den leader or adult partner what they are.
6.    Be able to identify five different trees and five different birds on your hike. (These can be of the same species if multiple species are hard to find.)
7.    Using pictures or photographs, identify three poisonous plants. (Examples are poison ivy, poison sumac, and poison oak; oleander, etc.). Watch for these plants while on a hike.
8.    Take two different hikes for different purposes, for example, a nature hike, neighborhood hike, historical hike, city hike, stop-look-and-listen hike, and so on.
9.    Explain to your den leader or adult partner what a compass is and show how to use one on a hike.
10. Explain to your den leader or adult partner what a global positioning system is and demonstrate how to use one on a hike.
11. With visuals such as pictures or maps, report about one of your hikes to your den. Tell about how you prepared for your hike, who went with you, and what you saw.

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